How To Approach A Block Management Tender Opportunity

Here at Centrick, we have almost two decades of experience in transforming the lives of residents in developments across the UK, supporting over 500 communities across the country – but how do we get appointed as managing agent? Our team of building and estate management experts will receive block management tender opportunities from developments across the UK who are looking for a new managing agent. In response, we conduct detailed research, site visits and investigations in order to curate detailed management proposals. If you’re wondering about how we ensure that we deliver for our clients here’s the run down of how we approach a property management tender opportunity:

Due Diligence

Before diving into the specifics of a property management tender opportunity, either for a leasehold block of apartments or a freehold housing estate, it’s crucial that we conduct comprehensive research on the site or client, especially if we’ve not worked together before, but every site is different so due diligence is always required. Understanding you and your needs is fundamental and directly informs the details of our resulting block management proposal. We pay particular attention to what sets you apart, looking at factors such as amenities, location, community and resident engagement, before considering what specific areas if any require improvement. After all, block management tender opportunities for building management rarely arise because you and your residents are exceptionally happy with the existing management – something within the property development itself, or within existing management processes, likely needs improving. Gathering this information allows us to tailor our proposals to address your unique needs and challenges.

Visit The Site

A detailed site visit is indispensable for crafting an accurate and compelling block management proposal. This visit allows us to interact with tenants and staff, gaining insights into their needs, assess the state and any observable deficiencies within the building(s), fire safety protocols and the current management structure’s strengths and weaknesses. Understanding the site enables our team to identify the physical and operational aspects that require attention. Site visits allow us to create a management proposal that reflects the site’s requirements and the expectations of both residents and property owners.

To showcase the level of detailed initial analysis that needs to be carried out on a site visit, we followed Associate Director and Head of Property Integration, Sam Deffley, as he explored a new tender opportunity in the south of Birmingham.

Finding Room For Improvement

During site visits, it is essential to look for internal and external opportunities for improvement. For example, the Centrick team conducts thorough checks to identify potential enhancements. Internally, our team focus on aspects such as fire safety compliance, ensuring visible fire escape plans in communal areas, functional fire alarms where necessary, and well-maintained fire doors. We also seek to identify and mitigate health and safety hazards, paying particular attention to trip hazards, uneven or dangerous surfaces, poor ventilation or exposed electrical hazards. 

Externally, evaluations should include examining guttering to ensure it is functional and watertight, ensuring stone and brickwork stability, assessing external walls in the wake of recent fire safety regulations, and ensuring that all appropriate risk signage around car parks and lifts are visible and up to date. For housing estates, other aspects must be assessed, such as grounds maintenance, communal areas, walkways, roads and pathways, ponds and swales, lawns and planting. You should also check for proper tree and foliage upkeep to ensure that the area surrounding the development is both safe and aesthetically pleasing for residents and passers-by. For leasehold developments in particular, emphasis must be placed on adherence to the Building Safety Act during initial evaluations, which is why Centrick work so closely with our in-house building safety and compliance teams to ensure that we are proposing the most appropriate, up-to-date improvements.

Beyond physical hazards, a good management proposal should consider how current practices can be improved to foster a stronger community spirit. This is why resident engagement is so important, and why many of the management proposals we create focus on rejuvenating the sense of community within developments. Whether it’s through scheduling regular residents meetings or creating digital platforms such as downloadable apps to submit maintenance requests, allowing residents to feel heard can significantly improve their experience within a development.

Create A Management Proposal

Once the site visit is complete, it’s time to construct a detailed management proposal. This document should clearly outline the onboarding process and the specific tasks your team will undertake, the most critical areas to address, the timeline for implementing changes, and the financial plan to support the proposed management activities. A well-structured proposal showcases both capability and commitment to improving the site’s management effectively.

RMC’s, RTM, Developers and Freeholders typically consider changing their management agent because they seek improvement. Therefore, it’s vital that the Centrick team clearly convey our value. Our block management proposals highlight past successes and the scale of support we offer by showcasing the other work we’ve done and the marked improvements achieved in similar projects. Include endorsements from other clients that emphasize your team’s effectiveness and reliability. By showcasing our track record and the tangible benefits of our management approach, we hope to convey the value of our team to successfully win each tender opportunity.

Explore The Centrick Difference

Approaching a tender opportunity for building management is a meticulous process that requires diligence, thorough site evaluations, strategic planning, and clear communication of your value. By following these four steps you position yourself as a compelling candidate capable of meeting and exceeding client expectations. This methodical approach not only increases your chances of winning the tender but also lays the foundation for a successful and productive partnership with your clients. Remember, the key to success lies in your ability to understand your client’s needs, offer tailored solutions, and demonstrate your capability to deliver exceptional management services.

This is precisely what the Centrick Building and Estate Management team aim to do with each of our management proposals, by highlighting our exceptional ARMA accredited teams, pioneering resident engagement technology and unparalleled experience. To uncover more about the way Centrick approach tender opportunities, or to explore our management services, get in touch with our team using the form below: