Why Does Mutual Ground Maintenance Matter?

At Centrick, we’re passionate about Mutual Ground maintenance – after all, it’s an aspect that many developers and residents neglect, but can have such a resounding impact on communities and developments. In this piece, we’re running you through why Mutual Ground maintenance is so important, not just to us, but to your development’s quality, value, and resident satisfaction!

What is Mutual Ground?

Firstly – what precisely is Mutual Ground?

Mutual Ground pertains to the aspects of your development that don’t belong to any specific individual or household, but still make up part of the wider community or development. This can constitute grass verges, lawns, beds, hedges, bushes, roadways and paths. Typically, maintenance of these areas that are ‘neither here nor there’ can be a contentious issue that can be solved with the help of a grounds maintenance team who take responsibility for these spaces.

Resident Satisfaction

Well maintained communal areas and Mutual Ground spaces are a direct contributor to resident satisfaction. A survey carried out by the Housing Ombudsman in 2020 unveiled that over one third of complaints from dissatisfied residents came as a result of inadequate maintenance, demonstrating that a significant amount of time and effort can be saved by putting in place external contractors to keep on top of maintenance issues. By committing yourself to tackling Mutual Ground maintenance, developers can anticipate fewer complaints from residents, a better reputation for their development and estate management skills, and an overall boost in resident satisfaction. In turn, this can contribute to fewer void periods and broader appeal for your development.

Increased Values

Evidence suggests that grounds maintenance is inextricably associated with increased property values – in fact, properties closer to well preserved green spaces can experience a value boost of up to 20%. It therefore makes sense that well maintained outdoor areas, which we would term Mutual Ground spaces – would have a similar impact on the associated neighbourhood. This can contribute towards better yields for landlords, better sale prices for owners, and an overall boost to the surrounding environment.


Messy, cluttered and dysfunctional spaces aren’t the most desirable places to spend time, and especially not live! In fact, properties with landscaping that is deemed “excellent” are able to achieve a sale price of up to 7% higher than those which are just “good”, according to Money Magazine.

As such, Mutual Ground maintenance can be a great way to boost the appeal of your wider development by showing residents, visitors, and passers by that you truly care about your neighbourhood and community, thereby enhancing the reputation of your development and your business. The key to this is hiring a Mutual Ground maintenance provider that is both quick and efficacious in their work to ensure that any issues are not left lingering, which can result in both resident dissatisfaction and a damaged reputation that could impact future operations and opportunities.


Tending to outdoor spaces has a significant impact on the creatures that live there, especially in terms of wildlife preservation and natural features. Ultimately, some of these spaces aren’t just there to look aesthetically pleasing, but provide habitats for nature to thrive. It is for this reason that biodiversity has become such a key aspect of developmental planning, with a 10% diversity net gain being expected across all pending developments from 2023.

Here at Centrick, we are passionate about ESG, and are working tirelessly to become a B-Corp in the near future – that’s why we ensure that our Mutual Ground maintenance service directly and positively impacts the environments we tend to in order to ensure the preservation of valuable species. We work alongside developers to take on some of their environmental responsibilities and ensure that developments are compliant with new regulations

Less Stress For Developers and Residents

Mutual Ground can be contentious, especially in terms of determining whose responsibility it is: local authorities take on some of the responsibility of tending to shared spaces in their communities, however they are not responsible for most new build developments, leaving the care of such spaces in perpetual limbo. By removing the stress of Mutual Ground maintenance for both developers and residents alike, there is less potential for tension and conflict. This in turn allows developers to focus on other issues of importance, and lets residents enjoy their stay – it can also help residents extend the length of their stay, as they feel as if they are receiving good value for money from their residential rent or ground rent in the form of a superior grounds maintenance team.

Does Your Mutual Ground Need Some TLC?

Centrick’s team of Mutual Ground experts are on-hand to transform your communities with our expert maintenance. Our team of dedicated experts have years of experience in property maintenance – whether you are responsible a small residential development or a large community, we have the skills to help you make it the best it can be. For more information on the difference Centrick can make to your property development, contact us using the form below – we can’t wait to hear from you!